How to Do the Cheek To Cheek Card Trick

Oct 17, 2009 12:12 AM

Show off your magic skills with a little preparation and an easy trick to execute.

You Will Need

* Two identical decks of cards

* Glue

* An audience

* Table

Step 1: Glue one deck face to face

Take one whole deck and glue each card face to face so you have half a deck of double-backed cards.

Step 2: Add half of regular deck

Discard half of the other deck, leaving half a deck of regular cards and half a deck of double-sided cards.

Step 3: Set up the trick

Put the regular half on top of the double-sided half, and show the new deck to an audience. Split the deck into the two halves, placing the regular half face up next to the double-sided half on the table.

Step 4: Ask someone to choose a card

Fan the regular cards and have an audience member choose one.

Step 5: Shuffle the halves together

Shuffle the two halves together; keeping the regular half face up so it will appear that the cards are mixed up front-to-back and back-to-front.

Make sure to keep one side of the double-sided cards hidden so as not to reveal the gimmick.

Step 6: Place the card back in

Have the audience member replace the card anywhere in the deck, face down. The regular cards are still facing up.

Step 7: Flip the cards and fan

Shuffle the cards and then flip them around in your hands so that all the cards appear face-down. Fan the cards in front of the audience revealing the chosen card as the only card facing up.

Fact: The King of diamonds is the only king portrayed in profile, with only one eye showing.

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